Roman Goss

Modern Abstract Art


Roman Goss

Born 1980.

My name is Roman Goss. I was born in 1980.
In the 90s I took private lessons in painting, mainly with watercolours, then oil paints, mainly still-lifes and landscapes.
From 1997 to 2001 I studied at the High School of Culture and the Arts, and in parallel I studied painting both independently and with teachers. I lived a busy cultural life, playing musical instruments, academic vocals, attending theatres and art exhibitions.
In 2017 I started painting seriously, I realized that I could not live without art, I read a lot of literature on oil painting techniques, including old masters. I visited all the possible art exhibitions and museums, practically all my time I painted, sold a lot, in the beginning it was mostly landscapes, but then my view on art changed dramatically, I was carried away by abstract painting, in which I felt the inner freedom and way of self-expression.
I can also say that the basics of the classical realist school of painting have not been wasted; on the contrary, they have helped me a lot and instilled in me a noble taste, a vision of complex colour solutions, variety of textures, multi-layers.
At the moment I’m fully dedicated to abstract art, searching for unique and expressive abstract shapes, colours, textures, etc. In each of my next paintings I try to find and show something special and new, to open for myself and the viewer some new horizons, to make it interesting and exciting for me and for every fan of my work. Honestly speaking it is very difficult, it is a constant struggle with materials, colours and in the end with myself, and only in such struggle and constant search the real and true art can be born!


I have been connected to the world of art and culture since an early age. I will tell you a little about my parents’ background. My father worked for many years in a printing house, he was the editor of a newspaper, he drew a lot, especially pencil drawings and sketches, he also read a lot, composed poetry and was very musical, in general he was a highly educated and creative person. I inherited all these qualities from him, and of course I owe him a great deal. I would also like to tell about my mother, she had a great influence on my world view, as my father did. In those early years she worked in a printing house, where they actually met. She adored folk and classical music. She was and remains a keeper of the home and comfort. Perhaps all these circumstances in my early life nurtured me as a romantic and a dreamer.

A little bit about me. From an early age I was special in the sense that I did everything the other way around, not like everyone else, which is probably why I was a bit lonely, more alone with my thoughts, my dreams… I spent a lot of my time alone with nature, I enjoyed it and absorbed its pristine beauty and power. And how many hours I spent playing guitar and singing in my youth; I played like crazy for days and nights; for me music was everything in life, art completely captivated me. I listened a lot to various genres of music, particularly classical music. And around the same time I started painting and continue to paint until now.

My paintings are in private collections in UK, Japan, USA, Germany, Taiwan, Poland and other countries.

2024 – “SoA Przedstawia” 20.08 – 01.09 Group Exhibition at Station of Art Gallery, Warsaw, Poland

2024 – “Springtime” Group Exhibition at Brian Sinfield Gallery, Burford, England

2024 – “SPRING EXHIBITION 20th April – 31st May 2024, Signet Contemporary Art”, London, England

2024 – “Signet Contemporary Art”, London, England

2024 – “McAllister Thomas Fine Art”, Godalming, England

2024 – “Artsy”

2024 – “1stdibs”

2023 – “The Brian Sinfield Gallery”, Burford, Oxfordshire, England

2023 – Gallery “Station Of Art” (Poland, Warsaw)

2023 – SingulArt Online Gallery

2022 – Saatchi Online Gallery

2022 – ArtMajeur Online Gallery

2021 – Tricera Online Gallery (Japan)

2022 – Gallery “Inspire Art” (Germany, Dresden)

2020 – Embassy of Switzerland (the painting is on display at the Embassy in the Consular Section)

2017 – Working as an artist 

2001 – Higher School of Culture and Art named after S. Palantay (4 years)

1997 – Elementary School (11 years)